How ‘Mini CEO’ Laurene Hummer Engineers Better Identity and Access Management
4 min read - Laurene Hummer used to answer society's big energy questions. Now she's helping you access your applications more easily as the "mini CEO" of IBM Security's identity and access management offering.
How to Build a System Hardening Program From the Ground Up
6 min read - System hardening is more than just creating configuration standards; it involves identifying and tracking assets, drafting a configuration management methodology, and maintaining system parameters.
Social Engineering Testing: Why Getting Hacked Is a Security Advantage
4 min read - Social engineering and security awareness training exercises can help business leaders uncover gaps in their incident response plans and identify poor security hygiene among employees.
Maximize Your Defenses by Fine-Tuning the Oscillation of Cybersecurity Incidents
3 min read - In the information security field, we're always practicing finding vulnerabilities, keeping threats at bay, responding to cybersecurity incidents and minimizing long-term business risks.