How an IoT Botnet Could Breach the Power Grid and Cause Widespread Blackouts
4 min read - A group of researchers from Princeton revealed that, through an attack dubbed MadIoT, threat actors could leverage an IoT botnet to compromise the power grid and cause widespread blackouts.
Strengthening Industry Collaboration Through the Charter of Trust for a Secure Digital World
3 min read - Under the Charter of Trust, limiting the impact of digital transformation and cybersecurity and building trust for users has to be the result of close collaboration at all levels.
Overcoming the Electronics Industry’s Insecurity Over Industrial IoT Deployments
3 min read - These days, many electronics companies deploy industrial IoT technologies without evaluating or protecting against cybersecurity risks, or preparing a fast and effective response to a breach.
Why You Need Advanced Authentication to Protect Identities Without Compromising User Experience
3 min read - Advanced authentication solutions can help mitigate the risk of fraud by detecting malicious activity without adding unwanted speed bumps to the online user experience.
Bringing It All Back Home: Why You Should Apply Enterprise Network Security Policies to Your Smart Home
4 min read - As threat actors increasingly target IoT devices to spread malware and facilitate DDoS attacks, it's crucial to establish network security policies for your home IT just as you would at work.
The State of Automotive Industrial IoT: Are Auto Companies Secure?
3 min read - Industrial IoT technologies promise to revolutionize the automotive industry, but they also introduce new risks. What are the biggest threats auto companies face, and how can they mitigate them?