July 3, 2019 Godlua Backdoor Capable of Performing DDoS Attacks 2 min read - Both versions of the Godlua backdoor, discovered in late April, are capable of performing distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, according to a new report.
June 3, 2019 New HiddenWasp Linux Malware Focused Solely on Achieving Targeted Remote Control < 1 min read - A new threat called HiddenWasp is different from other Linux malware in that it's focused solely on achieving targeted remote control of infected hosts.
Threat Intelligence May 16, 2019 The Decline of Hacktivism: Attacks Drop 95 Percent Since 2015 6 min read - Despite the rise in vulnerability reporting, cryptojacking attacks and attacks on critical infrastructure, one threat trend has been on the decline.
May 1, 2019 DDoS Botnet Targeting Electrum Servers Grows to 152,000 Infected Hosts 2 min read - A DDoS botnet targeting servers used by the Electrum bitcoin wallet reached 152,000 infected hosts at the end of April.
Retail January 3, 2019 The Gift That Keeps on Giving: PCI Compliance for Post-Holiday Season Returns 4 min read - Holiday spending is on the rise both in-store and online. How can retailers ensure PCI compliance to manage large transaction volumes and post-holiday refunds?
January 2, 2019 New Variant of Mirai Malware Exploits Weak IoT Device Passwords to Conduct Brute-Force Attacks 2 min read - Security researchers discovered a new variant of Mirai malware known as Miori that is targeting internet of things (IoT) devices to integrate into a larger botnet.
Incident Response December 11, 2018 Why You Need a BGP Hijack Response Plan 5 min read - BGP hijack attacks are increasing in popularity, but are still largely unaddressed in many organizational incident response plans.
December 10, 2018 Latest Malware Strains Target Cloudera Hadoop for Bitcoin Mining and DDoS Attacks 2 min read - Security researchers discovered that several new malware strains are targeting known Cloudera Hadoop vulnerabilities for bitcoin mining and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) purposes.
Retail December 6, 2018 5 More retail cybersecurity practices to keep your data safe beyond the holidays 7 min read - These five retail cybersecurity tips will help organizations mitigate cyberattacks and provide customers with the safest shopping experience during the holiday season.
Fraud Protection November 21, 2018 Quanto mais fácil, melhor! Um olhar detalhado aos TTPs do cibercrime financeiro no Brasil 9 min read - Este é o primeiro artigo de uma série de duas partes. Para obter a história completa, leia a parte dois também. O cibercrime financeiro no Brasil é conhecido como um dos cenários mais geoespecíficos, onde os cibercriminosos locais atacam usuários…