Artificial Intelligence March 19, 2017 Man Plus Machine: IBM Brings Science Fiction to Life With Cognitive Security 4 min read - With its innovative cloud, IoT and cognitive security offerings, IBM is bringing science fiction to life. Learn more about AI and Watson at InterConnect.
Intelligence & Analytics March 16, 2017 QRadar UBA App Adds Machine Learning and Peer Group Analyses to Detect Anomalies in Users’ Activities 3 min read - User behavior analytics (UBA) solutions enable SOC analysts to reduce the rate of false positives and more accurately detect insider threats.
Artificial Intelligence March 15, 2017 Artificial Intelligence in Security: How Smart Is Smart? 2 min read - To fully embrace the power of the cognitive era, security professionals must understand the capabilities and limitations of artificial intelligence.
March 15, 2017 Meet Havyn, the Voice of the Cognitive Security Operations Center (SOC) 2 min read - For the next step in its journey toward the cognitive era, IBM introduced Havyn to provide threat data to IBM Managed Security Services clients on demand.
Threat Intelligence March 9, 2017 Showcasing threat intelligence at IBM InterConnect 3 min read - At InterConnect 2017, experts will demonstrate how IBM is applying Watson for Cyber Security to take threat intelligence to the next level.
Artificial Intelligence March 8, 2017 Connecting to the Future With Cognitive Security 3 min read - IT teams are beginning to adopt cognitive security solutions to enable their analysts to make connections and drive innovation in the cybersecurity space.
Intelligence & Analytics March 2, 2017 Episode 006: The Great Dawnack 2 min read - In this installment of "In Security," the Great Dawnack's crystal ball depicted a troubling future for companies battling increasingly advanced threats.
Application Security March 1, 2017 Viva Las Vegas, and Viva Effective Application Security Testing Practices! 2 min read - At IBM InterConnect, attendees will learn how to apply cognitive solutions to keep their application security testing programs one step ahead of threats.
Intelligence & Analytics February 28, 2017 Watson Proves a Fast Learner in Cybersecurity Test Run 3 min read - Watson proved to be a fast learner during its test run in the Smarttech SOC, eventually becoming a trusted adviser to the team's analysts.
Government February 24, 2017 The First Rule of Security Club: Don’t Talk About Security 3 min read - The first rule about Security Club is don't talk about security — or, at least, don't let security initiatives get in the way of delivering business value.