October 13, 2014 Cybercriminals Brag They’re Ready to Release 200,000 Snapchat Photos 2 min read - Cybercriminals on social media are claiming they have stolen hundreds of thousands of photos and images from Snapchat users that they will expose online.
October 10, 2014 Bugzilla Flaw Gives Users the Creeps 2 min read - Security researchers recently discovered a Bugzilla flaw that gives users access to a collection of computer bugs amassed by multiple companies.
October 9, 2014 ISACA’s New Certificate Looks to Close Security Talent Gap 2 min read - As the need for qualified security professionals grows, ISACA has released a new Cybersecurity Fundamentals Certificate to test competence.
October 8, 2014 Criminals Use Tyupkin Malware to Steal Millions From ATMs 2 min read - A piece of malicious software called Tyupkin has allowed criminals to dispense millions of dollars in cash from ATMs in Europe, Latin America and Asia.
October 7, 2014 Security Experts Tie Target, Home Depot Attacks to Online Store Selling Stolen Credit Cards 2 min read - Security experts say data from stolen credit cards is surfacing on online marketplaces, where cybercriminals can download information to create forgeries.
October 6, 2014 US Cybercrime Survey Says Companies Missing the Mark 2 min read - According to a recent cybercrime survey, companies need to improve their security policies to properly detect and mitigate potential risks.
October 3, 2014 Spiked! New DDoS Toolkit Drives Home Network Vulnerabilities 2 min read - Corporate networks should keep their eye on Spike, a new type of distributed-denial-of-service (DDOS) attack that goes beyond desktops to attack routers.
October 3, 2014 WordPress Vulnerability Worries Companies as Hackers Close In 2 min read - An analysis of how a popular plugin for WordPress themes may contain a vulnerability that could allow hackers to compromise business information.
September 26, 2014 Shellshock: Where the Bash Bug Could Hit the Hardest 2 min read - The Bash bug, a new vulnerability known as Shellshock, could have a sizable impact on an untold number of devices, according to security experts.
September 25, 2014 Google Apps Scripts: Easy Reading for Scammers? 2 min read - According to a bug hunter, Google Apps Scripts has a vulnerability that could give hackers easy access to users' devices and contacts.