March 3, 2017 By Shane Lundy 2 min read

I want to share a great app that went live this week on the IBM Security App Exchange called the QRadar Assistant App.

This app lets users manage extensions, such as apps and content packs installed from the Security App Exchange, through a simple dashboard widget. It also provides customers a help center with useful links to our monthly newsletters, open mics, support forum, tech tips and much more. From speaking to our customers, we could not believe how many didn’t know about these useful resources or about the App Exchange itself, so we are placing it at their fingertips.

Customers will now be informed when new extensions are available on the IBM Security App Exchange, and when updates to the extensions they have already installed are available. Once users have installed this app, there is no more need to navigate to the App Exchange, download to a PC, upload and install via extension management. Customers simply click on the extension they are interested in and it will install directly from the extension.

These extensions are helping our customers in every security area: users, endpoint, cloud, network, cognitive, response, threat intelligence and more. Stay tuned for exciting features and use cases that will get delivered with the QRadar Assistant App.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a video worth? Watch this quick video and see just how useful the QRadar Assistant App will be to all our customers.

Watch the video to learn more

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