May 22, 2017 By Anshul Garg 2 min read

Chief information security officers (CISOs) are facing a unique challenge. Cyberattacks are at an all-time high, the cost of a data breach is on the rise and it is difficult to hire and retain top talent. To top it off, board members want to make sure their companies never hit headlines for the wrong reasons. These and other factors have led 57 percent of CISOs to believe that cognitive security solutions can significantly slow the efforts of cybercriminals.

Mastering Cybersecurity in Asia-Pacific

Are you sure your organization is secure? Are you prepared to handle a ransomware incident similar to the recent WannaCry attacks? If not, consider attending a complimentary, tailor-made e-summit for local CISOs and security leaders focused on cybersecurity in Asia-Pacific. We will take a look at some security challenges specific to the region and discuss how security leaders can adopt solutions based on cognitive, cloud and collaboration to combat the bad guys.

During the June 14 e-summit, participants will learn:

  • How to meet regulatory compliance and strengthen your security posture to combat cybercriminals;
  • How to leverage emerging technologies such as cloud, mobile and the Internet of Things (IoT) to secure your organization’s resources;
  • How to adopt new advancements in technology, such as the cognitive security operations center (SOC), to improve detection and incident response capabilities; and
  • How to strengthen the detect mechanism and build a response plan for holistic security.

In addition to the insightful sessions, we will host a networking lounge where participants can gain one-on-one access to security experts and speakers, network with leaders and share best practices and insights with peers. We will also run a Q&A session with security experts and a resource center where participants can access a host of assets and build their cybersecurity skills through hands-on demo sessions.

Each attendee will receive complimentary copies of the “2017 Cost of Data Breach Study,” which is not yet available to the general public, the “IDC AP Marketscape Assessment Report,” “Cyber Security Intelligence Index” and much more.

Register for the June 14 E-Summit

Register for the e-summit from India and South Asia:


Register for the e-summit from ASEAN:


Register for the e-summit from Australia and New Zealand:


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