June 20, 2017 By Bob Stasio 2 min read

On June 20, the lives of cyberanalysts and threat hunters who use QRadar and IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook are about to get a whole lot easier. A new app, IBM i2 QRadar Offense Investigator, enables QRadar users to push alerts and incident data directly to IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook (version 9.0.6 or later) for in-depth visual analysis.

IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides a rich, multidimensional visual analysis environment that empowers users to uncover hidden patterns and connections buried in disparate data sets. It features mathematical modeling that allows users to conduct temporal, histogram, geospatial and social network analysis across structured and unstructured data to uncover insightful trends about threats, threat actors and vulnerabilities.

By pushing QRadar network incident and alert data into i2 Analyst’s Notebook, IBM i2 QRadar Offense Investigator app users can proactively analyze that event data along with non-network data, such as HR, Dark Web and open source data. Combining these disparate data sets allows analysts to correlate seemingly unrelated events and details, creating a comprehensive understanding of the threat — and the threat actor — so they can quickly determine how to mitigate it.

Today’s determined cybercriminals will outsmart your security. Download the IBM i2 QRadar Offense Investigator app to put them on the defense.

Not yet an i2 user and want to experience the power of QRadar and i2? Visit the App Exchange and request a free evaluation license.

Watch the on-demand webinar to learn more about IBM i2 QRadar Offense Investigator

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