Guardium Tech Talk & Demo: Behind the Scenes of the Security Immune System
What better way to demonstrate a security immune system than to focus on health care? IBM has built a demonstration environment that takes you through the story of a gullible health care worker as the victim of a phishing attack – and the ensuing havoc that the attacker has by gaining insider credentials. The demonstration then shows how IBM Security Software works to bolster the immune system by detecting attacks at various places in the attack chain.
Guardium plays a key role in this immune system with its tight watch on the PHI data that is so valuable to the attackers. In this tech talk, Cindy Compert, lead architect and originator of the Security Immune System for health care, will go behind the scenes to show how IBM integrated Guardium data protection with QRadar, Privileged Identity Manager and XGS to create an integrated security immune system.
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