One of this year’s must-attend events is coming soon to the MGM Grand and Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. From Feb. 21–25, InterConnect 2016 will showcase the latest offerings from IBM, including security solutions for cloud and mobile environments, data protection, endpoints and applications.
IBM Security is very excited about this comprehensive and collaborative event. These are the top four reasons we think you should join us there.
1. Gain Knowledge
Enjoy access to hundreds of our solution specialists and distinguished engineers, as well as IBM clients and business partners, all of whom will be sharing their best practices, insights and analysis on the latest security trends and issues. With over 1,500 sessions and 200 labs, there will be ample learning opportunities each day. You’ll even find certification opportunities, hands-on labs and special training available.
2. Build a Competitive Advantage
Whether you’re an executive, IT leader, developer, designer, architect or cloud expert, you should attend InterConnect 2016. You’ll not only meet and mingle with industry peers and professionals, but also learn about IBM’s integrated security solutions and services suite. Whether your company is trying to optimize its existing infrastructure, leverage a hybrid environment or go through a digital transformation, we will have authorities on-site to show you the products, solutions and capabilities needed to achieve your goal.
3. Grow Your Network
As the premier security, cloud and mobile conference, InterConnect 2016 will draw more than 24,000 attendees, giving all participants the chance to network. They’ll also have the opportunity to discover how security is vital for organizations looking to adapt in the era of Internet of Things (IoT) and cognitive data.
4. Make a Difference
At the event, you can join IBM and Stop Hunger Now in helping prepare and package 285,000 meals. IBM donates the meals and provides the packing space, Stop Hunger Now pays the shipping, you donate the necessary labor and thousands of children receive nutritious meals.
Join us in Las Vegas! Register Now to attend IBM InterConnect 2016